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Creating a Character and Character Sheets

Writer's picture: Abby JimisonAbby Jimison

The first step when beginning a D&D Campaign is to create your character. When creating your character, there are several elements you need to choose and steps you need to follow. This post will detail each of the elements essential to gameplay.

Step 1: Choosing your characters race, class, and background.

Race is your characters species. Race helps determine physical looks as well as giving your character natural abilities and talents. Racial traits include the following: Ability Score Increase, Age, Alignment, Size, Speed, Languages, and Subraces. Click here to be redirected to DND Beyond's Handbook of Races.

Class is your characters profession. Class determines which actions your character can perform in combat and throughout the campaign. Click here to be redirected to DND Beyond's Handbook of Classes.

Background is just what it sounds like. Where does your character come from and what was their life like prior to the campaign you are about to begin? Different backgrounds provide different proficiencies, languages, and skills. Click here to be redirected to DND Beyond's Handbook of Backgrounds.

Step 2: Stat Blocks

Stat Blocks are the main portion of the Character sheet that influences the "game" part of the campaign. This block consists of your proficiency modifier, your ability scores and modifiers, and your skill modifiers. Below you will find a description of each stat block, including scores and modifiers, and how to find them.


Ability Scores are determined via two methods. You may roll dice to determine which numbers you have to work with, you can choose to use the default numbers. Also, your race applies some benefits to certain ability scores.

To determine you Ability Scores, do the following:

  1. Choose one of the following methods to generate your ability stats:

    1. Roll for stats

      1. Roll 1d6 four times, or roll 4d6 once. (End result should be 4 numbers)

      2. Drop the lowest number.

      3. Add the remaining three numbers together

      4. Write that number on a scrap piece of paper

      5. Repeat five more times, for a total of six numbers OR

    2. Use predetermined stats

      1. You may assign each of these numbers once to one of the abilities: 15,14,13,12,10,8

  2. Choose one number for each of the six abilities in space labeled (1) in Figure 2.1. NOTE - Each class has a Quick Build section in the class information. This will tell you where to put your two highest scores.

  3. Reference your race section, and add Ability Score increases to the ability/abilities specified by your race.


The Ability Modifier is the amount you would add to the dice roll as you are playing the game. If your modifier is a +2, and you rolled a 12, you final score for that check is 14. The higher your result, the better, and the number you are trying to beat is determined by your DM based on the difficulty of the task.

To determine the Ability Modifier, do the following:

  1. The modifier is determined by the Ability Score:

    • Ability Score = Modifier

    • 2-3 = - 4

    • 4-5 = - 3

    • 6-7 = - 2

    • 8-9 = - 1

    • 10-11 = + 0

    • 12-13 = + 1

    • 14-15 = + 2

    • 16-17 = + 3

    • 18-19 = + 4

    • 20-21 = + 5


Inspiration is not used in character creation. Your character may earn inspiration from other players or the DM in game, and is tracked here.


Proficiency Modifier is a bonus you add to any checks made with a skill or weapon you are proficient with. All characters start with a +2 proficiency modifier at level 1. This will increase as a character levels up. Reference your class section to see at what levels this increases.

  1. Enter a "+2" in the proficiency box.

SAVING THROWS Saving throws are ability checks that you make when someone else is targeting you, such as a spell that you are trying to resist.

To calculate your saving throws, do the following:

  1. Determine which saving throws you are proficient in:

    1. Your class will determine which two saving throws you are proficient in. Reference your classes "Class Features" section.

    2. Fill in the circle next to the saving throws in which you are proficient.

  2. Calculate proficient saving throw modifiers:

    1. For all saving throws that your character is proficient, or has the circle filled in, you add the relevant ability modifier with your proficiency modifier. EXAMPLE - If you had a Dexterity modifier of +3, and a proficiency modifier of +2, than your proficient saving throw of Dexterity +5.

  3. Calculate non-proficient saving throws:

    1. For the remainder of your saving throws, the modifiers are simply the relevant ability modifier as you do not add the proficiency modifier.

SKILL SCORES Skill scores are ability checks that apply to specific scenarios. If you are trying to bluff someone, you would use Deception. If you are trying to tell if someone is bluffing, you would use Insight. These scores are added to any rolls you make for one of these scores.

To calculate your skill modifiers, do the following:

  1. Determine which skills you are proficient in:

    1. Reference both your class and your background to determine which skills you are proficient with.

    2. Fill in the circle next to the skills in which you are proficient.

  2. Calculate proficient skills modifiers:

    1. For all skills that your character is proficient, or has the circle filled in, you add the relevant ability score modifier with your proficiency modifier. EXAMPLE - If you had a Charisma modifier of +3, and a proficiency modifier of +2, than your proficient skill of Deception is +5.

  3. Calculate non-proficient skills:

    1. For the remainder of your skills, the modifiers are simply the relevant ability modifier as you do not add the proficiency modifier.


Passive Wisdom is your characters natural awareness of their surroundings. When you are not actively looking for something, this score determines what you see without needing to make a check.

To calculate your Passive Perception, do the following:

  1. Passive Perception starts at 10

  2. Add or subtract your Perception skill bonus EXAMPLE - If your Perception is a +1, then your Passive Perception is 11.

Step 3: Proficiencies and Languages

Determine what languages your character knows, as well as any additional proficiencies or bonuses not tracked in the main stat block.


Non-skill proficiencies are skills or items that you character can use without any penalties.

  1. List all proficiencies, such as armor and weapons. Also list all items such as kits and instruments. Make notes of any bonuses to proficient skills or items.


  1. Check BOTH your race and background for any known languages.

Step 4: Equipment

Your equipment consists of all the items that they are carrying. This includes their armor, weapons, traveling gear, exploring gear, etc. There are two ways to create your starting inventory:

  1. Default Inventory:

    1. Your class has a list of starting items that you can transfer to your character sheet. Your background may provide additional items that can be added to character sheet.

  2. Purchase Inventory:

    1. Based on your character class, you can use the starting gold to buy any gear you like.

    2. Your starting gold is based on the table "Starting Wealth by Class" on page 143 (PDF 43).

    3. You may purchase any item from the tables on page 145, 149, and 150 (PDF 44, 46, 48).


  1. List all equipment, weapons, armor and personal items.


  1. Regardless of the method used, list any money you have remaining in the appropriate box.

Step 5: Attacks and Spellcasting

In combat, most characters either use physical attacks or they cast spells. Regardless, they also have access to special actions.

NOTE - For complete spellcasting breakdown and spells list, please reference your class section where applicable. This set of instructions does not go over all aspects of spellcasting.

PHYSICAL WEAPONS Physical weapons are those such as staffs, swords, and bows.

  1. Write down the name of a weapon that you picked in Step 3. Repeat for everyone weapon you are carrying.


Attack modifier is the score you add to a d20 roll when attempting to attack with that weapon. You compare the final number to the targets AC, and successfully hit if your number is equal to, or greater than, their AC.

To determine your attack modifier for each weapon, do the following:

  1. Look up the weapon in the chart on page 149 (PDF 46).

  2. Make note if the weapon description has the keyword "finesse" or if the weapon has a "range".

  3. Make note if you are proficient with that weapon or not. NOTE- Your proficiency might be for "Simple Weapons". This means you are proficient with ALL weapons in that category.

  4. Calculate Attack Modifier:

    1. For ranged weapons you are proficient with:

      1. Take your Dexterity modifier and add you proficiency modifier.

    2. For ranged weapons you are not proficient with:

      1. Take just your Dexterity modifier.

    3. For melee weapons you are proficient with:

      1. Take your Strength modifier and add your proficiency modifier.

    4. For melee weapons you are not proficient with:

      1. Take just your Strength modifier

    5. For weapons with Finesse

      1. You may use either strength or dexterity, whichever you prefer.

      2. Add your proficiency modifier if you are proficient with that weapon.


Damage is the amount of damage you do to the target on a successful hit. To determine the damage dice and type, do the following:

  1. Write down the damage amount listed in the table on page 149 (PDF 46) in the form of the amount of dice you roll when you do damage. EXAMPLE - 2d6 or 1d8.

  2. Write down the Ability Modifier used to determine the Attack Modifer EXAMPLE - If it is a ranged weapon and your Dexterity Modifier is +2, write "+2" after the dice amount.

  3. Write down the Damage type that is listed after the total damage amount. EXAMPLE - Piercing or Slashing.


  1. If you have any special abilities or combat actions you may list them here. EXAMPLE - Sneak Attack for Rogues.

Step 6: HP and Combat Stats

This block contains various forms of combat stats along with your hit points, or health.


Determined by the armor that you are wearing and/or your dexterity modifier. Your Armor Class, or AC, determines how hard you are to hit in combat.

To calculate your armor class, do the following:

  1. If you are wearing armor, look up your armor in the table on page 145 (PDF 44).

    1. Follow the AC calculation in the table NOTE - This may be a straight number, or it may be a number added to your Dexterity Modifier. EXAMPLE - Chainmail is a straight 16 AC, where as Leather armor is 11 added to your Dexterity modifier.

  2. If you are not wearing armor, then your AC is 10 plus your Dexterity Modifier.


Initiative is your ability to act quickly in the face of danger. When you roll for Initiative, you roll a d20 and add your initiative modifier.

To determine your initiative modifier, do the following:

  1. Your dexterity modifier is also your initiative modifier. EXAMPLE - If your dexterity modifier is +3, you Initiative Modifier is also +3.


Speed is how far you can move with a single movement action.

To determine your movement, do the following:

  1. Check your race section in the Player's Hand Book for their speed.

HIT DICE Hit dice determine how hearty you are, and your ability to heal when resting.

To determine your hit dice, do the following:

  1. The number of hit dice you have is determined by your level (These instructions assume level 1, so therefore 1 hit dice.)

  2. The type of hit dice is determined by your class. Check the class section of the Player's Hand Book. EXAMPLE - A level 1 Rogue has 1d8, as Rogues have d8's as hit dice, and he is level 1 so he has one of them.


Your hit point maximum is the most HPs you can have.

To calculate you maximum HP at level 1, do the following:

  1. Take the maximum value of your hit die and add your Constitution modifier EXAMPLE - A d8 hit die with a +1 Constitution modifier = 8 + 1 = 9 maximum hit points. NOTE - As you level up, at each level you roll a hit die and add your Constitution modifier, and add that to your total hit points.


Current hit points is the amount of health you have remaining. This number can not go above your hit point maximum. You may use this block as you play the game to keep track of damage you have taken. If your current hit points ever reach 0, you become unconscious.

TEMPORARY HIT POINTS Temporary Hit Points are not used in character creation. Spells and other buffs give you temporary hit points. These can not be healed, and act more of as a buffer for your current hit points.

DEATH SAVES Death Saves are not used in character creation. The are used when characters reach 0 HP when playing the game, and are the bases of determining if a character is just knocked out or is actually dead.

Step 7: Features

The features block is a place to list all remaining features of your class, race, and background. Any additional skills, passive benefits, or relevant bonuses from background can be listed here.

Step 8: Traits

Traits are descriptions for you character. These traits directly feed the role-playing aspect of the role-playing game.

Choosing your traits:

There are two methods to pick your traits. Choose one of the following:

  1. Look up your background

    1. Roll the appropriate die based on the tables in your background description. NOTE - Each table may be a different type of dice, so double check the die needed. OR

    2. Make up your own using the book options as examples.

  2. Fill in the following sections with your choices:


General descriptions about your character, that help differentiate different characters from each other.


Ideals are the things that your character believes strongly in.


How your character is tied to the world of the game. Can be a person, place or event.


A vice, compulsion, fear, or weakness.

Step 9: Name and Remaining Information

Now that you have a good handle on who your character is, all that is remaining is a few last decisions.


The name that your character goes buy.

You can find a name from one of the following places:

  1. Each Race section in the Player's Handbook has sample names you can choose from.

  2. Can look online for a fantasy name generator.

  3. Make up your own name.


A place to track your class and level.

  1. Write your class followed by 1 as you are starting at level 1.


A place to write your chosen background.


A place to write your own name.


A place to write your chosen race.


Alignment is your general temperament to others and the world around you.

To select your alignment, choose from the following:

  1. Reference your Ideal trait, and choose an alignment that works with the alignment suggestion at the end of the chosen trait. AND/OR

  2. Chose from the Alignment Chart listed on Page 2 of the 90's Persona Chart


You start at 0 Experience points. As you play the game, you will earn more. At certain amounts, you will gain a level which may increase your ability scores, or give you more features or actions. Keep track of your experience points here as you earn them.

Step 10: Review

Review your character sheet for any missing information.

Congratulations! You are now ready to play. Your party and DM should help you with any questions you have regarding your character, and will continue to assist you as you learn to play the game. They should also help you update you character sheet as you gain levels.

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